Lifestyle, Recipes

Ready To Discover The Pleasure Of Plant-Based Eating This Veganuary

I don’t know about you guys, but so far, 2020 has been a super tough year with regards to my physical and mental health. This is why I am turning a new leaf and trying something a little different to help jumpstart a much healthier and happier lifestyle. This January I will be taking on the Veganuary Pledge and changing my diet to be more plant-based. Please note, I am not saying I am going Vegan forever but instead, I am adjusting my diet to be more plant-based so I can make healthier changes to my life.

Here are some changes I am hoping to see on this journey and a few things I am looking forward to. Hopefully I will be able to update you guys on all the progress:

Being healthy: According to health nutritionists vegans/ people on a plant based diet, are less likely to develop heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and high blood pressure than meat-eaters are.

Losing Weight and Gaining Energy: With all the fatigue I have been feeling over this past year this is what I am looking forward to the most. Going vegan allows one to keep the excess fat from bad food off for good and leaves you with plenty of energy.

Experiment with New Dishes: As a foodie I am really looking forward to trying new meal ideas and experimenting more with plant based ideas and trying out all the different Fry’s Family Food Products.

Improve my fitness: Hopefully once I start seeing the changes in my health I will be able to get back on the tennis court and go back to enjoying the activities that make me happy. 

For now these are the big changes I am looking forward to and I will be sure to keep you guys updated on all the progress. Wish me luck. If you guys would like to join me on this journey then you can click here to take the Pledge: #Vegenuary2021 Pledge

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