Lifestyle, Restaurants

Immerse Yourself In The Divine World Of Chocolate At Steenberg This International Chocolate Day

The evolution of chocolate has taken us on a delectable journey from its very beginnings. From being a popular beverage in earlier times to the creation of the solid chocolate bar by British chocolatier Joseph Fry in 1847, chocolate has become an iconic treat cherished worldwide. Ahead of International Chocolate Day on 7 July, to… Read More Immerse Yourself In The Divine World Of Chocolate At Steenberg This International Chocolate Day

Lifestyle, Press Releases

Discover Steenberg Sauvignon Blancs On A Curated Secret Tasting

Steenberg, one of the jewels of the Constantia Wine Valley, is synonymous with Sauvignon Blanc, offering a diversity of styles and wines of remarkable ageability. In celebration of International Sauvignon Blanc Day on Friday, 6 May 2022, Steenberg has dedicated the entire month of May to this cornerstone variety with exciting tasting experiences for visitors… Read More Discover Steenberg Sauvignon Blancs On A Curated Secret Tasting