
This blog is here for me to share my experiences and observations about life while at the same time showcasing the beauty that is my home country South Africa. I am a fun loving, friendly and adventurous South African who loves tennis, soccer, travelling, food, poetry and music. Here I will share with you all things that make me the person I am today.


You can also follow me on Twitter here: @Miz_Tebo  and the blog account @AverageSA_Blog

Thank you for visiting my blog 🙂 please do follow and share 🙂

88 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi AverageSouthAfrican, thank you for choosing to see the beauty of our country instead of the general political mess. Cry, the beloved country! But oh, it is a beloved country.

  2. Hi Friend ,
    I have nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award…Please accept and collect it here…https://vivekvasantha.wordpress.com/2015/04/28/the-very-inspiring-blogger-award-my-second-award/ …..

    With Lots of Luv,

  3. […] These two words are the only way i can best describe the Dstv Delicious Festival!!! It was  my first time attending this event and boy did I enjoy myself! There was so much to explore ,so many dishes to sample ,so many stalls to visit, so many celebs to spot and a few friends to meet!!Hey and I also met a fellow blogger and dear friend Miz_Tebogo aka averagesouthafrican.com […]

  4. Thinking of heading to Durban. Do you know if I can drive through Zululand (I know it’s about 5 hours away) and do a self-tour of the historic battles? When I Google, I just keep seeing tours.

  5. Amazing blog you have here! Thank you for your visit on our blog. We love getting to know bloggers from all around the world. Here’s a giant thumbs up and warm wishes from Canada, keep up the spectacular blogging skills!

  6. Hi Miz_Tebo and NaffStarr – lovely blog, lovely content. I’m interested in starting a blog of my own – mostly pics though – about my travels namely places i have been. I love the way your blog looks and feels and the way you place the pics on the blog. I will be using wordpress for my blog but would like to ask or get some hints from you guys if its not a problem and you have a bit of time to reply – nothing to hectic. Can i use this space or can i get your email address? thanks.

  7. Hello 🙂 Thank you for visiting my blog and liking my posts 🙂 that is some real encouragement for a starter like me .. I loved ur blog and the fact that it is about South Africa.. There is a lot about South Africa that I really like .. Where to start Madiba to begin with.. am big big big fan of AB de villiers and cricket .. and ofcourse charlize theron 😛 .. I am looking forward to travel to SOuth Africa soon 🙂

  8. Hey hey! Great stumbling over your blog… interesting articles and easy to relate to. I am also a VERY new blogger – did my first post in May 201. The link is https://firsts101.wordpress.com/about/

    What I wanted to know is would you suggest upgrading to WordPress premium or getting someone to design a website for me?

    Thanks for the lovely posts on your site!

    Marshe x

  9. Hi..loved your narration..and South Africa is definitely on my bucket list..may b you could help me finding the best places there..😊. And thanks for looking into my blog..really appreciate it 👍

  10. Hello, thanks for stopping by and liking my post “Going to Seed.” Your blog looks so well put-together, and I shall enjoy exploring it. I particularly am touched by your generosity of spirit in some of the suggestions you’ve made to folks. Very warm spot, here!

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