I am partnering with Herbalife Nutrition on a journey to help me improve my breakfast routine. A good breakfast is such an essential part of living your best life and Herbalife Nutrition makes it so easy.
I have my full breakfast kit with the yummy Formula 1 Shake, the Aloe Concentrate Drink that makes it easy (and tasty) for me to keep hydrated, the Instant Herbal Beverage Tea is great for an energy boost and the F1 Express bars are such a handy breakfast boost, packed with all sorts of good stuff.
I hope I inspire some of you guys to kick start your own breakfast journey, especially as we head into Summer. To get started I will be following these four simple tips from Herbalife to help me improve my breakfast routine:
Start small
Ease into the habit with small portions of easy-to-digest foods that are nutrient-packed. Try a protein shake with fruit, or a dab of fat-free cottage cheese or a hard-boiled egg with a piece of fruit on the side.
Include some protein. Protein is important because it not only helps to keep you satisfied, it also helps keep you mentally alert.
Breakfast snacking is ok
You don’t need to eat your entire meal at once. Sip on a shake throughout the morning, or have your cottage cheese or egg first and your fruit an hour or so later.
Get up 15 minutes earlier
An extra 15 minutes in the morning can make all the difference to those who are rushing to get out the door. You’ll not only have time to make something to eat, you’ll also give your system a chance to wake up.
Eat what YOU like
There’s no rule that says you have to eat ‘breakfast food’ in the morning. A few bites of leftover chicken and veggie stir-fry might just do the trick.
I hope you guys join me on this journey! Make sure to visit My Herbalife Breakfast website for more useful info and recipes.