Food, Recipes

Sunday Funday Braai

Sunday Funday’s with the family are a definite must at least once a month. Buy lots of meat, beer, whiskey, champagne and invite your family over for a relaxed Sunday Braai (barbecue). This Sundays funday was extra special as it was also my cousin’s 40th Birthday so most of the family was out to play and seeing all of them made life so much sweeter. Family time is a must and there’s nothing else that brings families closer like food… LOL sometimes… The sun even came out to play after the hectic week of rain such a pleasant surprise… Now the rain is back again *sigh* .Anyway, guys make sure to make time for your family and close friends life is too short… Work will always be there your close ones can be gone at anytime… Learn to value the right things, HAPPY TUESDAY!

For those of you that want to learn how to make the perfect Braai here are our quick and easy Braai Tips:

Step 1: Make sure you have MEAT LOL (Boerewors, Chicken and Steak)
Step 2: Clean your Braai Stand a simple way is to cut a large onion in half and rub it over the grill, works like a charm.
Step 3: Spice your meat, seeing as this is a simple Braai, no time for over night marinating so buy the delicious Robertsons Shisanyama seasoning and season the meat.
Step 4: Be one with your FIRE, know your flames if you can keep your hand over the Braai for 5 seconds then it is perfect to start placing the Steak, 10 seconds the Chicken and 7 seconds the Boerewors.
Step 5: F.S.D.S – Friends, Snacks, Drinks and Salads, your Braai can’t go wrong if you have F.S.D.S.
Step 6: Remember to invite us over



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